Where can I download the Simple Social Press WordPress plugin
Simple Social Press is a WordPress plugin (purchased separately) that can automatically publish your Facebook Lives and Facebook Videos to your WordPress site. Want to learn more? Check out our Quick Start Guide.Few readersShortcode list for SSP
Manually Inserting Your Facebook Videos In A Post: ssp-video If you want to customize the looks of it, you can do that by adding the following options to the ssp-video shortcode: optin: Turn on/off opt-in. ctabuttons: Turn on/off call-to-action buttons. poweredby: Turn on/off "Powered By Simple Podcast Press". id: Lets you embed any Facebook video on any page or post (the actual value is the Facebook Video ID). video: Lets you hide the video player on a posFew readersImporting videos from Public Groups
To import videos from public groups you need to allow Simple Social Press to access your group by giving it permission from within your group inside of Facebook. Edit your Facebook Group. Locate 'Apps' under the 'Advanced Settings' at the bottom. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/93f1Few readersHow to Connect Simple Social Press to your Facebook Account
Connecting SimpleSocialPress to your WordPress Site couldn't be more straightforward. Once you have installed, activated and linked your license key to the plugin, you would need to give SSP access to your Facebook account. Copy the code provided by SSP. Paste it when Facebook ask for it. Finish by clicking 'Continue' on your WP Site. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/websiteFew readersFacebook lives or videos are not importing or are unavailable
Here is what you need to do if your latest Facebook Lives or Videos are no longer importing. The quickest thing to do is go to the Simple Social Press settings page, scroll to the bottom, and click the "Reconnect Facebook account". This will take you back to the settings page that asks you to "Connect To Facebook". (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/93f1a28a7e7d6800/msagtb6esz1gmfl4Few readersBroadcasting Live From Your Blog Post or Page
You have the option to embed the live broadcast on your site. This is easily by adding the ssp-live shortcode on any page or post on your site (most people create a page called "live" and add this shortcode to it). You can treat this page like any other page and add your own content to it as well. Once the shortcode is placed, that page will automatically show your latest live video (as you are broadcastFew readers