Articles on: Simple Podcast Press

Shortcodes list for SPP

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There are several shortcodes you can add to your blogposts to enhance the experience.

Adding the audio player anywhere in your post: [spp-player]

If you want to customize the player for a specific post, you can do that by adding the following options to the [spp-player] shortcode:
optin: Turn on/off opt-in.
ctabuttons: Turn on/off call-to-action buttons.
poweredby: Turn on/off "Powered By Simple Podcast Press".
textabove: Set your own post specific text above the player.
url: Set the URL of the episode (the actual value is the MP3 URL of the episode). Not required on posts created by SPP.
title: The title you will see inside the player.
image: The image you want to see inside the player (the correct value is an URL direction).
hide: Hides the Simple Podcast Press player on this page [spp-player hide=true]

Here is an example:

[spp-player optin="off" ctabuttons="off" poweredby="off" textabove="Listen to my interview on EOFire" url="" image=“" title="My Amazing Guest Hani Mourra"]

Adding the Playlist to a page or post: [spp-playlist]

If you want to customize the player for a specific post, you can do that by adding the following options to the [spp-playlist] shortcode:
list: Load the playlist with the list of episodes open or closed (On or Off).
optin: Turn on/off opt-in.
ctabuttons: Turn on/off call-to-action buttons.
poweredby: Turn on/off "Powered By Simple Podcast Press".
max: Set the max number of episodes to list in playlist (the actual value is a number).
cat: Only show episodes from a specific WordPress Category (choose a WP category slug).
title: The title you will see inside the player.
image: The image you want to see inside the player (the correct value is an URL direction).
order: Option to set the list is reverse chrono order (the actual value is reverse).
ep_duration: Turn on/off display of episode duration.
ep_date: Turn on/off display of episode date.

Here is an example:

[spp-playlist image="" title="My Playlist Title" ctabuttons="off" poweredby="off" optin="off" cat="season1" list="on" max=5 order=reverse ep_duration=on ep_date=on]

Adding the Episodes Table to a page or post: [spp-episodes]

If you want to customize the player for a specific post, you can do that by adding the following options to the [spp-episodes] shortcode:
max: Set the max number of episodes to list in playlist (the actual value is a number).
cat: Only show episodes from a specific WordPress Category (choose a WP category slug).

Here is an example:

[spp-episodes cat="season1" max=5]

World-Wide Apple Podcast Reviews: [spp-reviews]

These reviews are updated automatically every 24 hours. By default, it displays the latest 5 reviews.

If you want to change the look of the reviews, you can edit the [spp-reviews] shortcode as follows:
style: Displays all your reviews (the actual value is list).
max: Set the max number of reviews to the list (the actual value is a number).

Here is an example:

[spp-reviews max=3 style=“list”]

Clutter-free Transcripts: [spp-transcript]

You can now add a transcript/show notes section that is collapsible, so your visitors can click to expand and read them when they like. The good thing is that they are still visible to the search engines.

Enter your full transcript in the post editor, then add the [spp-transcript] … [/spp-transcript] shortcode around the transcript text. This allows you to fully utilize all the editor functions like headlines, colors, etc inside your transcript.

Clickable Timestamps [spp-timestamp time="HH:MM"]

Clickable timestamps allow your listeners to click on a link that contains a time inside your show notes page and the podcast player will automatically jump to that time.

While editing your post, your can add the shortcode [spp-timestamp time="HH:MM"] or simply enter a time in either HH:MM:SS or MM:SS format and it will automatically become clickable.

If you don’t want your time stamps to be clickable, you can disable this feature in the "Advanced Tweaks" section of the Simple Podcast Press settings.

You can also manually make any timestamp clickable highlighting a time and click the “SPP: Insert Clickable Timestamps” from the toolbar.

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Updated on: 23/10/2023

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